Tranny Attack of Doom

Thank God I work out.  Self Defense!If you're hitting up Southeast Asian girls.  Check their voice, hand size, body tone, Adam's Apple, brow ridges.  Escalate…

My Relationship With Working Out

Its a love / hate relationship. I thank it for helping me get attraction in the club but damn... the high protein diet makes me fart a lot which kills me during a Day 2. Have you ever tried to hold a fart for 4 hours? My goodness. The thing is like jet fuel. And the thing is, it never wants to come out when you're actually in the bathroom! My intestines is trolling me seriously.

Let’s Talk About the PUA Convention

I was invited to go to the PUA convention this weekend in Hollywood for free as a photographer and bodyguard LOL! Its funny 2 years ago, I went to the same convention and nobody knew me but I guess a lot can change in 2 years. Mystery couldn't make it because he was stuck in Canada. There were a lot of big names that showed up like Neil, Tyler, Matador. Pick up really is an art. You can tell from the coach level that everyone is different yet some how they are all able to do their thing, although some coaches are better than others haha. There really is more than one style or method. I think there are certain principles and characteristics that are key but after that, you can express it however you want. There's usually a lot of Asians and Indian guys at these events but there were a lot less this year. I even saw two buff Black dudes. One was an engineer! He must be secretly Asian on the inside...

She Stole My Monkey

Went on a day 2 at a comedy show with a Russian girl I met in Vegas. She saw my stuffed Monkey in the car and had to play with it. She actually took it home because she loves Monkeys. Before she left however, I told her I want it back before I go to Vegas next week, and she agreed. Seems like a legit reason for her to come over to return it. Hopefully she comes through. I think its good to have props laying around. Its kind of like peacocking except you're not wearing it. Girls have an excuse to play with whatever object it may be. I get this text from her on my drive back and my Monkey is on her bed LOL!

PUA Convention Sept 14-16

I'll be at the PUA convention in Hollywood Friday, Saturday, Sunday this weekend and then going out clubbing at night. Some of the biggest guys like Mystery and Tyler Durden will be there. Hit me up in the comments section if you are in the area or need a wing. If you sign up, let JTR know Squattincassanova/Enthalpy sent ya.
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