I go to a club and there's tons of exotic…
Pictures for Online Dating Profile
Don’t be that typical guy who takes a terrible self portrait of himself in the bathroom mirror using a cell phone while wearing an oversized t-shirt. Profile pictures like this gets you instantly deleted.
**Don’t be this guy!**
I have been doing photography for many years. I have PRO Canon SLR camera with a 50mm 1.4 aperture lens, perfect for portrait photography. You can find my ModelMayhem page here:
I have also gone on numerous dates from using PlentyofFish and Okcupid. My pictures are so solid that I can many times number close with just 3-4 messages. Good pictures are the bread and butter of online dating. It is probably the number one investment for online profile. It is not uncommon that girls get so many messages that they filter and delete simply based on the profile picture alone. Get the best pictures you can. Its also important to note there is good photography and there is good photography that builds attraction. By being a photographer who does cold approach and online dating, the pictures are going to be much more relevant to what you are trying to achieve.
Here are some of my sample pictures:
My package: $150
- 5 pictures total
- 1 casual dressed
- 1 formal dressed
- 1 of you doing a hobby/sport
- 2 outdoors
We will be taking multiple pictures for each scenario at multiple angles. Afterwards, I will send you the pictures in which you pick the ones you like. I will then proceed to edit them in Adobe Lightroom.
Apply in the link below:
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