Persistence is Key! Here’s an Example…
I met this girl in San Diego. It was her birthday. The vibe was warm but not great… I isolated her but she then kept trying to look for her friend. I got her number by saying “give me your number so I can text you in case you get lost”. She told me to give her mine and I declined and instead I took her phone, put my number in and called myself.
One of the cool tricks I do is to call the girl on the spot and have a role play conversation. In this case, I called her and pretended I was actually calling my mom and how I met a Bolivian girl who wants to invite me over for dinner and cook for me.
Anyways, she eventually finds her friend, they were two high energy Black chicks. I was like oh hell no, this is my first set of the night, there was no way I can match her friends energy level. Plus her friends are going to be all over her trying to get her drunk. I didn’t think I could pull so I just ejected since I got her number anyways. As I was leaving, I said “We’ll hang out later” and she was like “Maybe, I dunno, we’ll see”. Pfffff.
Anyways, the text was super boring. She told me she wanted to be a dietitian back in the club so I talked about amino acids during the set. My first text was a call back text to bring her back to memory with me. During the set I made fun of her for wanting to be a dietitian but not knowing what the amino acids were. Below includes the text.. and after 3 days of almost no spark, I somehow managed to get her to go to a comedy show with me on a Wednesday night. Some times I get free tickets and I will just text a whole bunch of girls and see who bites. I guess she didn’t have anything to do that day so it was on! The day 2 turned out pretty well and she is hinting to hang out again.
(Ill update the text later)
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