I cannot stress the importance of developing a loud voice.…
Great Latina Set: Who’s Paying?
I’m going to put up the audio for this later. It was a great night. Saw her and opened her while she was in a 4 set sitting down. I played everything right. Frame controlled her and asked her if she was independent or if she had to stay by her friends the whole time. She said she was independent so I isolated her. Then I isolated her again to the fire pit. In the middle somewhere she had to go to the bathroom, it was a good reason to number close her since I told her if she got lost, I can find her again. She easily complies. Some how I talked about food and she got excited about this burger place because apparently in LA there was a really good burger joint too. I convinced all of her friends to go. By this time I had made out with her before she had bounced to get food with me. I think its critical to get a makeout with girl before bouncing venues because you don’t want to be suckered into a platonic vibe getting food. She even paid for my food, what a nice gal! (I tried to pay for my half and she just gave me a weird look lol. I think the next time a girl offers to pay, I should just thank her and kino her rather than looking like an idiot trying to pay my side, she obviously wanted to pay because I am too sexy and alpha and she wanted to be appreciated for doing so. I have come to the realization that women are so different. Some are totally generous and some are total gold diggers, it just all varies) At this point its 3am and these chicks were tired and her friends just fucking ditched her lol. They gave her the hotel key card and said “we are tired, we are going to go back”. So she stayed waiting for me to finish my big ass chicken salad lol.
This was a great opportunity to pull but the distance to my car was FURTHER than the distance to her hotel. If the distance to my car was shorter, I could have offered to drive her back to the hotel and attempted to pull in the car but bahhh, shitty logistics and her foot was hurting in her high heels I just walked her back to her hotel and up to her room, got a make out and left. I didn’t bother trying pulling to Temecula, god damn the next day drive to take her back to LA would have sucked. But yeah, I really hate pulling in cars because I want to get them to shower first lol. And pulling back to my place would have been 2 hours round trip the next day. Meh, great nightregardless. I’ll be in LA soon enough that I can hang out with her when I am there.
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